24 November 2009

la città eterna.

For some reason, when November comes around, I am always drawn back to my first visit to Rome...

22 November 2009


As I walked home today, I reflected on just how blessed I am, and was overcome with gratitude. There are so many things that we take for granted. A beautiful body, an open heart, a sound mind, a pure spirit, for starters. Grace, so much grace that my cup veritably runs over with it. I know that I have earned it (if not in this life then in the last!) and yet that it is a gift from the universe to me. I must do the best that I can, here, now, with what I have, and trust that all that is destined to come to me will come.*

15 November 2009

glorious autumn.

Through a lace-trimmed window...

Down a lovely little street...

 In a small, neighborhood park...

Along a Victorian row...
Wouldn't it be lovely to live there? :)

05 November 2009


"Amatevi come compagni di viaggio, con questo pensiero d’avere a lasciarvi, e con la speranza di ritrovarvi per sempre."

—A. Manzoni, I Promessi sposi